Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree I forgot

I forgot to post these pictures. Sorry we have been crazy busy and I have been letting my blog posting slip.
All before Christmas, we randomly bought our Christmas tree one day and didn't have any twine or rope to attach to the top of our SUV. So I said lets have Christmas in the CAR! Kate and I jammed this thing in the car right between all the seats so we could get it home. The tree was sticking out the back hatch, and people were giving us strange looks as we drove away. We thought it was so hilarious I took some pictures of what it looked like inside the car. Hope you get a laugh out of these!
Here is a picture of Braily not amused by 9 foot tree she has to ride home next to.

My view of Kate

Kates view of me!

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lets hit the slopes!

Doesn't she look excited!!
I can hear her saying this while she looks me "Dad, why did you dress me up like a blueberry to go outside in the snow?"
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Braily, three shades of purple, a one piece snow suit, and a blue hat! Not too many can pull that off! Ha!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

His and Her Walk in Closets

What a freaking great idea!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Random shot of Friends

I found this shot of a get together with all of our friends one night, I meant to post about it but its a month or so old so I'll just post the picture. I took it with my phone but thought it was a good picture.
Michelle, how about you organize this whole outfit again?

Friday, January 9, 2009


So, Katie has not been feeling well these past couple days, and she was telling me yesterday that she had some of the same feelings as when she is pregnant. OH NO I SAY! This can't be, three in a row? IMPOSSIBLE! She snuck off to the bathroom and took a freaking pregnancy test just to be sure.
Not Pregnant!
I can live another day folks.

Monday, January 5, 2009

What a week!

We had a crazy good time this past week with family for Christmas and New Years but it was exhausting! I think this picture sums it all up. My sister inlaw Kristy captured this with her iphone in the car.

Ellie, Lexi, & Braily