Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fire Pit

So, last year I tore out a tree in our backyard that was planted too close to our garage. Since I already had this huge hole from ripping it out, I decided to build a fire pit in that same hole. I got some fire bricks from Katie's grandfather, and bought some decorative retaining wall bricks to finish it off. Its about 41/2' in diameter. Really only took a day to build it! Now we are ready to cook up some Hot Dogs and Smores for those chilly spring nights! Her is a pic from my phone.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Starvation Diet

So, today starts another try at dieting. This is crap! I know it always seems to get pushed aside, but not this time! Its too easy to get side tracked and then one thing leads to another and I'm eating mint chocolate chip ice cream out of the container! Umm... that sounds really good right now.

So somethings gotta be different than the last try at this dieting thing, or I'll fail again.
So here are a few goals I'm striving for
-Drinking more water, "i never drink water"
-Eat 4-5 small portions of food a day "no more late night 4th meal"
-Start hitting the treadmill. "or running on it"
-Use my iron gym "to get muscles like Arnold"
-Sign up and commit myself to run in a few local races this spring.

I'll keep you updated on how things are progressing. Right now it just feels like I'm starving myself. Haha

Any tips you can think of for me? post a comment below!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are...!

Does everyone remember how great this book was?
Well check out the trailer to the movie!